Movie Name : Nice Girls
In 2024 movie Nice Girls. Actress Katrina Durden plays as villainess Kim. Now the heroine number one Léo played by Alice Taglioni meets the heroine number two Mélanie played by Stéfi Celma, it's funny that they both investigate Mélanie's boyfriend and Mélanie tries to cover for it. Mélanie then beat the shit out of some German immigrant after Léo sent her to him. We have granny boobies around 23 minute mark, grannies boobies is the new sexy of modern western movies, can't wait for Baywatch remake with lifeguards being men over 80s and women over 90s, it will be funny to watch them running in slow motion or in this case, they don't need slow motion as we will end up with a still frame 😂😂😂. After about half of the movie we finally see our first villain Cassati played by Lucien Jean-Baptiste, I miss you dude, I want to hug you, save me from these heroes, they have been torturing me for more than half an hour. Out of his sense of duty and his love to the audience, Cassati stepped in to save the movie and make it more watchable, he put Léo under gun point, then the camera go somewhere else then we hear the sound of a gunshot. Unfortunately, someone else was shot, and Cassati died afterwards, thank you, Cassati, for helping us finding hope when there seems to be none, we love you, brother 💔💔💔. Just finished the movie, all I can say, if you are interested in seeing naked grannies and men being kicked in the balls, this movie is for you, the villains in the movie only appeared like after half of the movie, the comedy in the movie means drawing dicks, the action in the movie means kicking men in the balls, there are a few decent short action scenes here and there other than that it's another depressing, boring Netflix movie. All respect to the villains of course, especially the gorgeous Kim played by Katrina Durden, and the amazing stunt performer and actress Tanja Keller.
Actress Name : Katrina Durden
Character Name : Kim
Year : 2024
The heroine of the movie is a cop, the movie starts with her chasing a suspect on foot, the chasing scene lacked both of them clumsily waving their arms in air while running, which would be perfect.