movie name : RUN FOR THE LIFE aka 逃杀2020
actress name : Yeqing Cheng aka 程也晴
charterer name : Shelly
movie year : 2016

 In 2016 movie RUN FOR THE LIFE aka 逃杀2020. Actress Yeqing Cheng aka 程也晴 plays as villainess Shelly. The events of the movie is happening in the future, I know that because the movie shows us things that isn't possible in the present, like for example, a watch with hologram technology, and a Chinese man watching CCTV.
The camera work in the movie is very unique, it reminds me of Ibrahim Labyad which is Arabic villain movie, especially in the hand to hand fight scenes, not my favorite camera work, and Chinese movie got so much better since then, still it's unique, I hate how they freeze the screen to write the names of the character, it help me to remember the character, but having them in black and white reminds me of Hollywood cop shows, at least use some colors for the text.
Our villainess appeared wearing leather and wielding a whip while the hero was tied, and he panicked trying to free himself, I mean, calm down, dude, thousands of men would die to be in your place, then our villainess left the hero with four men who ran towards him, now suddenly he felt comfortable being tied to the chair LOL.
I love the villainess scene with the sniper, she's gorgeous, I'm in love with her 💖💗🥰💞.
Doctor Hu, the main villain of the movie put a good scientist in prison cell, the good scientist seems to be mad at him and goes like "Give me the wifi password, I can't take it anymore", and Doctor Hu is like "I have limited data plan, and you do a lot of streaming", the good guy replied "You are evil, Just kill me!".

 The movie is fun to watch, it's obvious that they made the movie as best as they could with the limited resources they had, yet it turns out to be fun to watch and not boring, there isn't much for the story it's basically the bad guys chasing and hunting the hero and the hero is trying to survive them using everything around him, the heroine also appeared towards the end to save the hero when he was about to die.


Yeqing Cheng aka 程也晴 as evil babe Shelly in RUN FOR THE LIFE aka 逃杀2020

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Movie Name : Sniper Vengeance AKA 狙击手:逆战
Actress Name : Hong Shuang AKA 洪爽
Character Name : Mia
Year : 2023

In 2023 movie Sniper Vengeance AKA 狙击手:逆战. Actress Hong Shuang AKA 洪爽 plays as villainess Mia.
The movie starts of the heroes staking arms deal, it seems like there's a third party that attacked both the arms dealers and the heroes, I love the fight scene, it looks really good, and the translation is perfect, like, the thing that translated the name of
one of the characters as "Fat ass" is hilarious 😂😂😂. 

 Holly shit, the scene with the robot killing the people in the fan, like, WTF, it looks brutal, never expected that in a Chinese movie, it was really well-made.
 All this mess was caused by Our gorgeous villainess and she revealed her face after the fight ended.
The hero was totally fucked, the bad guys framed him so his teammates think he betrayed them, so he had to run away from his team and also being hunted down by the bad guys, TBH, I'm not sure if the bad guys are looking for him, they could've just killed him while he was unconscious, shouldn't he thank them for that, or send them a gift or something, so ungrateful!!
The villainess is so gorgeous, I'm in love with her 😍😍😍.
She made another ambush for the good guys, the poor security guard barely survived her and she was facing jumped on the hood of the car to face him and mercilessly shoot him.
 The hero now using his computer and damn, the way he organized the desktop icons says a lot about his character, it's like he only use the computer when he's drunk or high, and using windows, like if you want to look chauvinistic and elitist asshole, you use Mac, if you want to show that you are a computer nerd, you use Linux, but using windows, that's boring.
Ok, so the hero play a video of his friend he lost in the battle and it should be emotional video and the translation goes like "Hi, I'm fat ass, and I'm 28 years old", god damn, I couldn't stop laughing 🤣🤣🤣 and they say comedy is dead!
The heroine appears like in 20 minutes mark raiding a building of the bad guys, I like her.
Most English spoken in the movie seems so forced and unnatural, and It's not needed, like, Asian movies and especially Chinese movies have this wrong idea that in order to reach the global audience and appeal to them, they have to look or sound more American, which isn't necessarily true, Death Note is known by everyone and it's Japanese, everyone knows Squid Game and it's Korean, great actors like Amitabh Bachchan and Jackie Chan are Indian and Chinese, so, if you gonna speak English or any other language it should make sense to the story and should feel natural, not to be used in a conceding way, or to feel like that, like how I felt in this movie, it's like the movie maker saying, "We are better than you, we are smarter and richer than you, that's why we speak a foreign language".
The bad guys then go after the hero under the leadership of our villainess, I love the mix between gunfight and the martial arts in the scene, after the fight ended between the hero and the bad guys he was caught by his teammates who finally found him.

So, after his teammates caught him, he again took one of them as a hostage and told him to tie themselves, like, he did the trick before to get away from his teammates, and it worked, at this point they are just dumb to let him do the same trick again, someone should've really knocked the hero out by hitting him on the back of his head to wake up tied in a bed in a hospital or something, but to do the same trick twice and to work twice, it's an insult to the rest of the heroes, it should've never worked, if it was up to me, the hero would've faced consequences.
 Finally we know what the bad are trying to do, they build a giant speaker that will enable them to play music as loud as possible and nobody can do anything about it, such heartless monsters!!
The villainess is unstoppable, she knocked a heroine out, took her hostage, shot one of the good guys, the other heroine was injured and barely survived.
The main villain caught the people who were making the giant speaker and shot the older one among them, from what they are wearing I guess they are DJ experts, the villain seems to have kind of Iraqi haircut LOL.
The good guys infiltrated the bad guys headquarter and one of the heroines went to save the DJ experts, but when she was trying to get away our villainess shot her with the rest of the people she's trying to save, so now it's between the last surviving heroine and our gorgeous villainess.
 Overall, the movie is fun to watch, the fight scenes are great, the mix between practical and computer generated effects with marital arts are just awesome, I love that I didn't notice the stuntmen in the movie, and they absolutely were there as there are some scenes that can't be done by the actors, but if I didn't notice them, then they are made right 👏👏👏.
 My favorite characters are my beloved Mia, my heart beat every time I see her on screen, I love her character, then the two heroines, then Mike played by Lizzan Latif.


Hong Shuang AKA 洪爽 as evil babe Mia in Sniper Vengeance AKA 狙击手:逆战

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movie name : Iron Lady Sniper
actress name : Zi Fu Er aka 訾富尔
character name : Matsushita
year : 2024

In 2024 movie Iron Lady Sniper. actress Zi Fu Er aka 訾富尔 plays as villainess Matsushita.
The movie seems to be talking about the Chinese guerrilla warfare against the Japanese which is historically one of the most intersting historical events to talk about, yet, don't expect it to be realistic, it's just made for entertainment, the movie start of the resistance being ambushed by the Japanese, I really like the colors and the camera work.

I think the movie starts when the heroine was just a little girl, the intro is perfect and I like it a lot, the little girl was hiding, her mother was killed by a Japanese officer, and before the Japanese soldiers leave the house fired shot randomly everywhere, then when you think she's saved another bad guy finds her, she stabs him run away.. and then it became less perfect, as it's obvious to me that they used a grown stuntman to make couple of jumps for the little girl, You could just let her run away and hide, it would look so much better than to make her some super child, sometimes doing less is better, I would enjoy the scene better if the unrealistic jumps were just removed.

Ok, turns out her mother was still alive, and I thought she died, now she is LOL, the origin story of the heroine is one of the best emotional origin stories I ever seen, really good job.
 The heroine was trained by the resistance fighter that saved her life to be a fighter, and then when she grew up, she decided to after the bad guys who killed her parents, she shot the first bad guy in the head, I don't know why they censored it, it look stupid, showing a tomato instead of his head LOL.
Our gorgeous villainess finally appeared around 26 minute mark ❤️❤️❤️. 

So, another bad guy was killed by a headshot by the heroine, now it's a watermelon, it seems like the movie only offering vegan menu options!!
The bad guys went to a cave, I thought they are making some unethical biological experiments on humans, it seems they have more sinister plans than I expected, they want to sell old Chinese products on Amazon.
The heroine manged to fight the bad guys and escape the cave with the hero, but our gorgeous villainess was waiting for her with her sniper, and tried to shoot the heroine but instead shot the hero as he blocked the bullet.
The heroine hold the hero in the street to help get him home, from the way he's walking the streets apparently our villainess spiked the bullets with drugs!! 
 Our Matsushita tries to shoot the heroine again, and the hero blocked the bullet again, this guy will probably die from a drug overdose 😂😂😂.
The hero who adopted the heroine was killed with a headshot, and it seems that they don't have the budget to buy more fruits as no watermelons were harmed in the scene.
Finished the movie, the movie is one of the best action female-led movies I watched this year, it's totally focusing on action with a heroine of tragic origin story, it was fun to watch, the colors in the movie looks good, same with the camera work, the heroine was also very great and likeable, as for my favorite character Matsushita, I really love this character, and the actress was great, the final fight scene was also great, really good movie, now with what I hated the most about the movie, if you can't already tell, it's the poor watermelon, if it was any other movie, I would stop watching it once I see them using tomatoes and watermelons whenever someone get shot, the other thing is using stunts when it's not needed, like the whole point of using stuntmen is to do stunts the actor/actress can't do, in the scene of the heroine running away from the bad guy, it wasn't needed, and the scene would look totally fine without it, basically what I didn't like mostly adding things that don't need to be added to the movie, other than that, I really like the movie, and love the villainess.
Thanks to Nathan S for recommending the movie 🌹 🌹 🌹 . 





Zi Fu Er aka 訾富尔 as evil babe Matsushita in Iron Lady Sniper

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movie name : She Spies Love Kills
actress name : Serena Scott Thomas, Joan Severance
character name : Mrs Porter, Lauren Drake
year : 2003

In tv show She Spies season 2 episode titled Love Kills aired 2003. actresses Serena Scott Thomas and Joan Severance play as female villains Mrs Porter and Lauren Drake.



Serena Scott Thomas and Joan Severance as evil babes Mrs Porter and Lauren Drake in Love Kills She Spies

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