In 2022 movie Skeleton General AKA 狄仁杰之骷髅将军. Actress Alice Zhang AKA 张鹏欣 plays as villainess Xia Hanshuang. You know what's funny, I never watched The Crow 2024, and probably never will watch it, but I really love watching JLongbone review of it, and here's why, I don't expect morality police are capable of making anything good or remotely entertaining, and even if they are capable of that, they won't and would deliberately make movies less entertaining on purpose, so I basically don't care, on the other hand I find JLongbone reviews really fun to watch, I can watch hours of her reviews without getting bored, that's the only entertaining quality modern Hollywood has, giving youtubers the materials they need to make an actual artwork with actual artistic freedom, it's like making art piece out of trash, I think if you want entertainment from Hollywood, either you watch old stuff, or watch fun reviews, but believe me, as one who kept watching Hollywood for years, and even when it got extremely bad like in the last few years, it's not worth it, and if you really into lectures or religious ceremonies, It's better to watch lectures made by people who are professional in giving them, it will be still more fun that watching Hollywood, or attend your place of worship, at least their you would enjoy the company of a community, Hollywood isn't even good at that. Anyway, let's check Skeleton General from.. The movie starts with a bride that was taken to the groom, yet when we see her she beat the shit out of the people in the place she ended in, I really love the fight, it really feel like Chinese opera style, it's so cool, also the music is so unique, same as the costumes. We start to see our beloved villainess around 11 minute mark, she's so gorgeous, I love her so much, the poor minion was killed mercilessly by our evil queen. The heroes fought the evil skeletons, it started as a good fight, but the pace is off, it's like being cut in the middle of something, something felt missing and incomplete TBH. Ok, the thing about the skeleton monster that it's too clean and seen too much, which make it feel kind of fake, same with other minor skeletons, if there are shadows to make you at least curious and hide the imperfection of the effects, it would be more believable, now, it's hard for you to believe it. So, the hero fight our villainess just after the skeletons attacked. We have another nice fight between our villainess and the hero, after he decoded a map and ended up in a cave. The fight ended and our villainess manged to escape, then overheard that the prince she wanted to kill before, appeared again and she kind of fell in the trap of the heroes, then our villainess had her last fight that ended with the main skeleton guy being shot by a burning arrow, the fight isn't the best in the movie, the pace isn't so great, it's like a good fight, then cut, drama and tragedy, then a brief fight, then ending, like, whatever. TBH, the first fight is the best fight in the movie, it was really good.