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Movie Name : Succubus
Actress Name : Nino Ninidze and Kseniya Pikalova
Character Name : Gin and Elishwa
Year : 2024

In 2024 movie Succubus. Actress Nino Ninidze and Kseniya Pikalova plays as villainess Gin and Elishwa.
The movie started with a masked woman telling two people to step forward, she then said that her name is Elishva, she gathered a group of people, I don't know what's happening, like some contest or something.

The movie have a lot of masked female villains, that's surprising, I don't think many of them will be active players, still, it's so cool.

I love this thing, the villainess told the contestants to answer the question honestly, and having a detection system to detect if you lie or not, and one of them went to introduce himself as if he's creating Instagram page, he is full of shit, and the villainess caught him πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.     

Gin played by Nino Ninidze is very intersting character.

We are introduced to another character, Tamar, we never see her or Elishva, so basically, it's about a group of people who went to a retreat, for a couple therapy, and things seems suspicious, yet not suspicious enough for them to run away.

Pierre Bourel is really good playing Nick, good job, I really hate him, I really wish he dies, like I guess most of them will since it's a horror movie, but for Nick, it's personal LOL.

The music in this movie is kind of annoying TBH, it repeats the same tune, it's kind of boring, and it's obvious that many of the actors didn't practice their roles, they didn't repeat a scene twice, that's why they talk slowly, and their performance seems so unnatural, and the boring repetitive music, it really doesn't help. 

The main characters were sitting on the table eating breakfast, then the villainess said "Keldi Ana Sulmani" which is Indian for "Keldi Ana Sulmani".

I like Gin, I hope our villainess spares her.

 Finally, the main characters found out that the island isn't a retreat, but a place where Succubus sacrifices humans, and they will probably be sacrificed.

So Gin turned out to be the assistant of the Succubus, and the good guys found out, she stopped them gave them a choice to join her or die, they refused except Michael played by Anton Rival who went towards our villainess, she started the rites, but she should've never trusted this asshole, as while our villainess wasn't looking and busy doing her job, he stabbed her in the heart, fuck you, Michael, you traitorous POS, I now hate you more than Nick, and love you, Gin πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”.

Not only he killed our beloved Gin, her death caused resulted of the death of the other demon worshiper villains. 

 After our villains died, Michael also died, and the heroes felt bad for him, he got what he deserved, he could've just served her, and he could even live eternal life, most men would happily agree to that, but the ungrateful brat decided to betray our evil queen to save the heroes. 

Anyway despite losing our beloved Gin, the movie seems to have happy ending, and could even have a sequel, a very intersting ending with the Succubus escaping the island, which could be very intersting, the effects in the movie is very good, the movie also have so many nude scene which means it doesn't abide to the standards of Hollywood's Department of Moral Health which is a good thing, the acting was mostly mediocre except Gin, she was my favorite character among the heroes, and I'm happy she turned out to be evil, now she's just my favorite character in the movie, but since this a horror movie, I was expecting her to win. The thing I disliked the most about the movie is the music being played during the dialogue, the music overall is great TBF, the effects were great, the camera work is great, the movie looks beautiful with the colors and the lighting and everything, it's so fun to watch.

 Favorite Quotes

Gin: "You're not leaving the island, your only way out is to serve me."


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