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Movie Name : 绝色兵团之正义结盟
Actress Name : N/A
Character Name : Skynet, Yinfeng, Huya, Juki and Linghugu
Year : 2016

This movie is a recommendation from Phil Rusty, I hope it's good, I haven't watched any western movie for months now, I think it's wrong to call them movies anyway, they are more like church service, and I think church service can have better stories to keep you interested, it's more like a church service only stories with every negative character being censored and every intersting story like Lazarus of Bethany erased for being too intersting, so watching a Chinese movie even it's old is a breath of fresh air.

Ok, the movie start with a zombie scene, something morality police would never make today.

The characters speak English, I once said I prefer watching actors in Chinese movies speaking their native tongue, because it really help giving a better performance and help the actors get better and better over time in movies, watching this movie now make me hate listening to actors speaking English, although I was raised watching and admiring Hollywood movies which got me better and better learning English, it's also Hollywood movie that make me now hate the language and prefer hearing actors speaking any other language in movies, funny, isn't it?

  Ok, we somehow aren't introduced to the names of the characters, I guess the first character is the heroine, then we go to another scene with another character stabbing a man in the neck during sex, I guess she's the villainess.

Ok, she's not a villainess, and they apparently write the names of the characters on screen, and it seems like the heroine assembling her team in order to do some dangerous mission, so it make sense that some of the team aren't exactly good and done bad stuff, but here's the crazy thing, when a western movie do that, they make villains good, imagine Hollywood making a movie about "a group of villains in a dangerous deadly mission", You watch the movie and non of them do bad stuff before joining the mission, which kind of meaningless, having villains fighting for justice or whatever BS is in itself bad, but not only that, if you think about it, non of them are actually villains who do bad stuff in the movie, like what the hell!!

So, then the team went to a cage fight to have another one to join their team and she was fighting a really fit dude, and she cheated and defeated him in the end of the fight.

Around 8 minute mark, one of the heroines is reading the bible as if it's a magazine, it's intersting that the choose the bible among all other books.

One of the things in the movie that everyone in the movie are women, yet every single one of them have their own character, like one who really care about how she looks, which fit her character as she uses her beauty to seduce people and kill them for money, and you also have the nerd that only care about nerdy stuff, you can now randomly watch any western show in the last few years, and every character especially female ones, look the same, act the same, think the same, walk the same, god, they are so soulless and inhumane.

The heroine reading the bible is actually devoted christian, she pray and do the cross thingy, I didn't expect that TBH.

    The heroes went killing a group of evil male guards, and what I think is, why it looked so fun to watch, why them eliminating the guards seems believable, while in western movies things seem very patronizing and so unbelievable, and there's a different between believable and realistic, for example, it's unrealistic for a man to stop a train with his hand to save people, it's unrealistic, and even if he could the train would probably split into, but within a movie, giving the character superpower, and then it became believable to do while still being unrealistic.

Around 25 minute we have armed drone, this is so cool since it's in 2016, I like the idea on who the drone make peeps and the hero have to run away in few seconds, it can be really utilized in movies and fight scenes.       

 It's only 1 hour movie, yet, I finished half of it and wasn't bored, lectured, or the actors told the audience that they hate them, can you imagine that? LOL!

We have a villainess, we only hear her voice, still we don't know who she is or if she's a part of the team.

Our gorgeous villainess Juki appears around 30 minute mark, she's so gorgeous I love her so much, and great to play a villainess, she fight the heroine, and she was defeated, I hope she had a second fight, she was my favorite character in the movie, I wish I saw her more 💔💔💔.

 Just after we lost our beloved villainess, we have another fight between the droned cars heroine and our villainess, Huya. Huya fight smart, which make sense since she also fight a heroine who is kind of engineer, so she set a wire trap for her, the heroine of course noticed and avoided it. The heroine name translated Rhino Horn, this is absolutely mistranslated, as you don't even her them say "Rhino Horn" so probably translated literally from a Chinese name.

I almost forgot about the zombie villainess, she appears around 40 minute mark, and we know that her name is Yinfeng.

 We have only one main male character in the movie, and he's evil, most men in the movie get so little screen time before being killed LOL.

Damn, he killed the heroine, that's really good, I thought all the heroine wouldn't lose a fight, It was nice that one of them did when unexpected, especially that she won the last fight.

   We have another villainess who betrayed the heroes called Skynet, that's probably not her original name in Chinese, but that's how it's translated, Skynet shot another heroine in the head, this movie is so fun to watch.

It turns out the male villains failed to kill the heroine and she actually took over the Tank he was driving and used it to save the day and defeated entire army of male villains.

This is amazing, the actors actually were fighting themselves, not stunt performers, which is so cool, maybe that's why I find their fight scenes makes sense, the movie is great if you are looking for a good action movie, I wish it was longer, but it was really fun to watch, that's a movie I will remember, but if I have to choose between watching this movie and 99% of Hollywood morality police lectures, I would absolutely watch this one, I had a really good time watching it, thank you, Phil Rusty 🌹🌹🌹.  

I couldn't find the names of the actors, I didn't even find the English name of the movie, if you have any idea please tell me so I can update the post and link their page if possible.



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