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As I said in my article What villains teach us? and movies should respect the relationship between the hero and the villain in order to make a good movie, and the hero is like a student who needs the villain in order to teach them in order to grow, the villain should always be more powerful, stronger, smarter or all of these characteristics in order to teach the hero, and once they have nothing to teach, they have to leave, and this exactly what happened in Nathalie Emmanuel's The Killer, now I'll explain how what I said before can be used on this movie to turn it into a female villain franchise.
First of all, I didn't like casting Sam Worthington as the main villain, the villain of any movie is more important than the hero, there are many actors who played great male villains before, one of them is Nicolas Cage who actually wanted to be in this movie, there's also Gerard Butler, Mads Mikkelsen, Tom Ellis, and Giancarlo Esposito, the movie kind of didn't care about the main villain at all in the movie, he was so inactive.
That being said, the relation between the heroine and him makes sense, now what Zee can teach and how her teachings can be used in order to start a female villain franchise..
If it was me, here what I will do, part 2 will start with the killing of Sey by the corrupt cops, Zee now have no protection, and wanted by both of the organization she worked for and the cops, then we have a villainess, who is unlike Zee as I said in "Three things that will ruin any villain" video, isn't weak, pathetic or good, she's just pure evil, let's call her Tee 😂😂😂, she sees how Zee tricked our beloved villainess Chi Mai, and just disappear, her screen time in the whole movie should be around 2 minutes, meanwhile Zee fight a glorious battle against the whole world, both the corrupt cops and the criminal organization, and she wins despite all the odds, after she finished the fight, Tee shoots her.. By doing that Tee learned from Zee how to distract her target, and Zee will have to leave and she doesn't have anything new to teach. 
It may seem harsh, but here's how such basic Idea can help push the genre forward, first of all, Zee dying after everyone reached the moment of relief will make people who loved the character go crazy to see Nathalie Emmanuel on the screen like in "Why heroes must die?", on the other hand, people would be extremely curious about the mysterious villainess who worked smartly and quietly to take down one of the most dangerous hitwomen who manged to defeat entire army, such curiosity will push for a part 3 of a franchise to know who was the mysterious villainess, it can even be expanded to show how she was trained all her life to be hitwoman, it's a win for a new genre, and a win for the career of Nathalie Emmanuel, and by getting Sey out of the picture, same with Finn before him, we now have a completely female action franchise.   

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